Friday, November 6, 2020

On 11-11-20 We Ignite A Cosmic Reset! (Mass Meditation)


Details for the upcoming Global Meditation on 11-11-20 are contained within this article (look for the red bar separators). The meditation begins at 10:11 am UTC / 5:11 am EST / 11:11 am Paris time.

On 11-11 We will come together in UNITY as ONE GLOBAL MIND, ONE GLOBAL HEART, ONE GLOBAL VOICE and Alter Our Destiny Forever! 

We will also be harnessing the tremendous Transformative Power of the 3rd and final Jupiter-Pluto conjunction which is an Extreme Magnification of Death/Rebirth, Money/Finances and Evolution.  So let's make full use of this astrological power to continue our journey on the Organic Ascension Timeline, Give Birth to 5D Earth, Assure Abundance for All and Say Goodbye to the False 3D Matrix Forever!

Please Join Us as this will be a Destiny Making Meditation……so let’s all mark the date and time on our calendars and make this invitation go VIRAL!!!

November 11…….is a Gateway that, when activated, can lead us to any world and experience of our choosing. On this day, whatever we think or speak, undergoes a rapid acceleration from the formless void into form…..more so than on any other day. This is a day when we can truly allow our imaginations to run wild and Manifest Miracles!

The more of us who participate in the Global Meditation on 11-11-20 holding a Singular Vision of humanity being FREE and HEALED and PROSPEROUS while continuing on the Organic Ascension Timeline……the greater the probability that this is the scenario that will manifest in the coming weeks as we approach the Cosmic Reset opportunity on December 21st when we can complete the Quantum Leap we initiated during the 8-8 Lions Gate Portal. So please let’s start sending this invitation out Far and Wide between now and 11-11!!!

11-11 is the root of all other master builder numbers. 11+11 adds up to 22. There are 22 amino acids in the body and 22 chromosomes with which human DNA is constructed, 22 bones in the it is a building block of creation.

Astrologers and Numerologists both advise paying close attention to our thoughts on an 11:11 day as the amplified power of that numerical sequence can cause thoughts to Manifest instantaneously!

11:11 also greatly amplifies Global Consciousness and the feeling of connection to everyone and everything.

The very shape of the number 11 mimics an antenna and allows it to channel the maximum amount of energy through its form, meaning we can Activate a New Beginning – or COSMIC RESET – with the double power of an 11:11 day!

This Great Cosmic Reset will occur on December 21, 2020 and I will expand on this more in a future article. In the meantime, we can use the extremely powerful Manifestation Energies on 11-11-20 to jumpstart and activate this Reset that will completely alter our destiny in the best possible way!

It’s time for us to take a break from election updates, narratives that promote fear and the latest purported ‘intel’ which is often sketchy and unreliable……and begin to fully utilize the Power that is inside of us. We must also stop buying into the “Savior Program” which dictates that we keep looking outside ourselves, to some external source, to save us or liberate us. I will speak more about the Savior Program and Waiting Game in my next article, as these two Matrix Programs are what has kept us trapped in the Matrix so long and are preventing us from taking the necessary actions to Liberate Ourselves.

The Truth is -- WE are writing the script of what we are experiencing – either by acquiescing and going along with the restrictions and fear mongering the old crumbling regime is still churning out OR by turning off their narratives and focusing ONLY on our own version of how this story will play out....




The Matrix Creators have to work hard to get our attention with their constantly blaring narratives because they know that:


What You Focus On E – X – P - A – N – D – S!


…..and that……


Energy F-l-o-w-s Where Attention Goes

The word “attention” stems from the Latin “attentio” to give heed and “ad” which means direction. So when we give our attention to something, we are actually DIRECTING Energy towards that object or scenario. Yes, like an orchestra director, we are literally STEERING and SENDING Energy with our Magic Focus Wands to either the Matrix’s gloom and doom agendas or we are Moving this same Energy towards the manifestation of what WE wish to see and experience in the world.

<<<  It really is as simple as waving your magic wand

as you direct the energy, and uttering the magic words

 “abracadabra” – I create what I speak.  >>>


When you identify what it is you’re giving the bulk of your attention to and where you are directing all that energy, you will understand why things are happening in your life and in the world the way they are.

This is why I continue to emphasize the Level of POWER and CONTROL we all have over our World and Our Reality! We MUST begin to exercise this power NOW. Otherwise, we will plunge deeper into a dystopian experience that none of us want to find ourselves in.

We do this by FOCUSING the bulk of our attention every day on Visualizing the World as we desire it to be. We DIRECT our Energy to OUR Vision. The more we do this, the more Our Vision will begin to Manifest on the physical plane!

So let’s all make a pact to Expand Our Vision of a Glorious New World every day leading up to 11-11 and far beyond. Wake up every day in this new world and inhale its fragrance. Visualize it in great detail. Spend time each day seeing and feeling the elation of a world free of all dark influences, a world in which we are Sovereign and self-governed, a world in which our children are safe, a world that blesses everyone with prosperity and abundance, a world where everyone is healed and thriving, a world rooted in love and compassion. Transport yourself to this magical place each night as you drift off to sleep.

Here is some magical music I've been listening to that will help you sail away to stunning 5D lands:

Feel this marvelous new world and experience it with all of your senses throughout the day. Act as if you live there. How does it make you feel? Sink deep into this feeling. How does it smell? How tall are the trees? How many waterfalls and streams? What colors do you see and how vibrant are they? How does the fresh greenhouse produce taste? What kind of exotic birds and butterflies or magical creatures do you see? What do the learning centers and healing centers look like? Are you in a hovercraft, flying like an eagle in the sky, teleporting from place to place? Revel in every detail. Rejoice in every wondrous moment you spend there!

Let’s EXPAND this Vision together over the coming days and weeks leading up to 11-11 and then 12-21. We’re all directing energy all day long towards something, whether we are aware of it or not. So let’s direct this energy towards our Collective Dream of Freedom and Ascension to the 5D World and not give the Matrix one ounce of this precious energy any longer!!

This is how we Evolve and Ascend – by becoming very conscious of what we focus on and where we send energy. In so doing, we become Conscious Creators.

On November 11, a Doorway will open between the 3rd and 5th dimensional Earth worlds. We will be using this doorway to further anchor our individual and collective consciousness onto the 5D Earth Grid and the Organic Ascension Timeline – by way of a Global Meditation.

Note: It’s important that we secure the Organic Ascension Timeline to ensure there will be no interference by other galactic races who may seek to ‘harvest’ our souls in order to further enslave us or continue serving as a food source for them, reincarnating endlessly in the false 3D Matrix, etc. We must clearly state that WE are in control of our own Ascension and that this proceeds naturally and organically in accordance with the original Divine Plan without any outside interference or attempts to hijack our Ascension Timeline or our Souls!

This Mass Meditation is CRUCIAL as it will be a prime determining factor in how global events play out the rest of 2020 and the threshold we will cross on December 21st, the exact moment of the Great COSMIC RESET of Earth!



11-11-20 Global Meditation

To Ignite the Great Cosmic Reset

that will occur on December 21st,

Secure Our Organic Ascension Timeline

and usher in the coveted Golden Age of Aquarius!

The meditation will begin at 10:11 am UTC /

5:11 am EST / 11:11 am Paris time

and will last for 20 minutes

(although you may continue longer if you wish)

During the meditation,

be sure to state your express will

that mankind continue our evolution

on the ORGANIC Ascension Timeline,

free of any interference or ‘soul harvesting’

by other galactic races.

Focus on all power of governance and finances

being shifted to US, the citizens of Earth!

Visualize a smooth and peaceful transition

of this Transfer of Power to the people.

See Abundance raining down upon humanity

as all stolen funds are returned to us at once.

Visualize everyone having access to

Med Beds and highly advanced healing technology.

You can also stand with your hands stretched upwards

towards the sky to amplify your Manifestation Ability

by channeling transformative energy

like a human antenna (standing in the 1-1 position)

during the meditation.

You can use this guided audio

(adding in the additional suggested visualizations):



For those who are able, I also invite you to participate in the more intensive 144K Mass Meditation, hosted by Jim (a/k/a The Unknown Light Warrior).

It will start super early in the U.S. this time, so you’ll need to go to bed early to get up for this one…..but if you can make it…...we definitely could use your participation… our future depends on it! The 144k meditations usually go for about two hours and they’re pretty powerful – we travel beyond space-time and the multiverse and we do a lot of grid clearing and anchoring of omnipresent light into the Earth grids. This group (combined with other seasoned meditation groups such as Sandra Walter’s group) have prevented far worse scenarios from manifesting on the Earth plane.

This is the members area link for 144k and if you provide your email, you will receive email reminders about all upcoming mass meditations as well as progress reports to see what impact we had on the global situation.

The 144k Mass Meditation on 11-11-20 starts at 3:30 am EDT which is 8:30 am UTC. What I do is follow him up until the start time for the larger global meditation which in this case begins at 5:11 am EDT or 10:11 am UTC and then I switch to doing the guided audio I provided the link to above (with important added visualizations as suggested above). Sometimes he runs over, so you’ll just have to monitor the time to be in sync with all the other meditators beginning at the 5:11 am EDT / 10:11 am UTC time slot.






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