Sunday, June 27, 2021



You’ve heard of Shakespeare’s “Midsummer Night’s Dream.” Well we are in the midst of our own brilliantly concocted Midsummer Day Dream. This is one dream we will never want to wake from because it is a tapestry of our collective vision of what life on Earth was meant to look and feel like and the freedom we all so deeply crave.

So onward Ho! beautiful high vibe meditation tribe! Let’s keep frolicking in our gorgeous Daydream of a liberated upgraded 5D Earth every day for the next 6 weeks and MAKE HISTORY!!

Here are some of the amazing results our Daily Cosmic Reset Meditations produced midway through these summer stargates that highlight just how great of an impact we are having on this planet.

First a note about the unprecedented and steady increase of 5D energies entering our atmosphere.

The energies pouring into Earth have been building to a high crescendo, particularly since May. In this video clip from Sandra Walter, you can see record breaking daily consistent massive spikes on the Schumann Resonance – this has never occurred before.

Unprecedented 5-Day Schumann Blackout

and visible long duration REBOOTING of Earth Systems

In our daily meditation, we visualize all matrix and Earth systems going completely DARK in preparation for the Cosmic Reset and Upgrade.

Well here is powerful visual proof that we ARE in fact triggering a Major Cosmic Reboot during this Eclipse-Solstice-Lions Gate passage. The most I have ever seen a total ‘blackout’ on the Schumann Resonance last is 24 hours. I am still in awe that we all made this happen! We will be witnessing the true effects of this over the next 6 weeks and for the rest of this year.

The day after the Solar Eclipse (on June 10th) we experienced an unprecedented 5-DAY BLACKOUT on the Schumann Graph! It is quite literally the Cosmic Reset happening before our very eyes!!!

June 15th - Major Government Buildings In D.C.

Shuttered and Abandoned

Big things are about to go down as we approach the 4th of July holiday in the United States – a weekend that may prove to be the long awaited and overdue REAL Independence Day for America and the world at large!

It’s as if the nation’s (soon to be former) capitol has completely shut down. There are reports and photo/video evidence coming out this month that many federal buildings in Washington D.C. have been closed and abandoned, including IRS buildings as shown in this recent tweet:

In this video you see the FBI Building shuttered and empty as of June 14th:

Also this:

Our Collective Will Is Changing

and Ousting A Major Dark Agenda

In case you don’t know, the dark invaders of Earth have long been working on a nefarious plan to take out more than 2/3 of the current global population. Because of the constant entrapment and recycling of souls here, population levels have spiraled far beyond what the Matrix creators wish to deal with. Plus, they have no desire to share what is left of the precious resources on this planet with a race that they deem as mere ‘fodder’ to be enslaved and consumed.

Ø Status of ‘Jib-Jab’ & Associated Fear Program

The main point I want to make here is this whole ‘vax-scene’ script is nothing but another ‘holographic’ fear-inducing mind program they want to insert and deeply embed in the psyche of billions of people around the planet. It can only work and have the intended effect IF we accept it and give it enough energy and focus for it to materialize.

If there is only ONE thing I hope I can accurately convey in this article, THIS is it. By simply not giving these Fear Programs even one ounce of attention or energy -- we can completely Reclaim Our Power over this planet and our Sovereign Status!

If disturbing things do enter our awareness, we can acknowledge them and take them ‘under advisement’ - but completely DETACH from them and not fuel them with our emotions or energy. We can simply view them as part of a ‘movie reel’ that is showing us a glimpse of a crumbling world that we are no longer a part of. This in no way means we lack compassion and empathy for others; quite to the contrary, by detaching we disempower the narrative and help it quickly fade from our collective experience.

Ø Keep everything in perspective. Here is some serious food for thought:

o   The perpetrators of the plan-dem-ic (via the media) grossly lied to us about how many ‘deaths’ occurred from the vy-rus – these numbers were deliriously overinflated. So the same could apply for the # of people who volunteered for the in-jec-tion.

o   Just like with any other ‘false flag’ they like to play a handful of ‘worst case scenarios’ over and over and routinely show video of one thing that they label as another. Most news ‘reports’ these days are not shot in the location being referred to, are full of crazy ‘camera tricks’ and packed full of lies.

One silly example of this is the reporters who are covering ‘monster deadly storms' and hurricanes that are allegedly approaching a particular area. In one now famous video clip, they were clearly using a wind machine to ruffle the reporter’s hair and clothes, while a passerby’s hair remained in tact and not a thread on their clothing moved!

o   The first in-jec-tion did not have the desired effect, which is why they pushed so hard for the second….and are now pushing for an ongoing indefinite number of ‘booster’ shots.

o   The nanites in these in-jec-tions are a real concern; however, we are addressing this quite powerfully in our daily meditations

All this nano-tech operates at a very low frequency, so by consistently raising the planetary frequencies every day we are creating an environment in which these things can simply no longer exist

o   They are really grasping at straws now trying to lure people into getting jabbed merely for the ‘privilege’ of going to one concert or travel to a particular destination – as if that one experience is worth exchanging your life for and signing up for untold suffering and early death.

Remember - the Matrix will go to incredible lengths in an attempt to thoroughly DECEIVE AND CONVINCE us that what they want to happen is actually happening (when it often is not).

Question everything you see……

Ø Many In-jec-tions are ‘morphing’ into harmless substance – reports are now showing that a number of people received simple saline and in some countries 2 out of every 3 that got the vax-seen seem to be largely unaffected with no side effects.

Here’s a video showing a supposed ‘mixup’ at a local Walgreens. Random accident or our Divine Will protecting people from receiving the intended shot?

And how about this one in China? I say major divine intervention….what say you?


In other good news…….

o   Some of the In-jec-ted have been banned from public places – a school in Miami has banned teachers who got the shot from coming back to the school and is encouraging all students and staff not to get the jab

o   June 22nd - W.H.O. flips its decision on recommending in-jec-tions for children:


 Major Release and Collective Emotional Purge

Remember all the work we did during the week of the Lunar Eclipse? All the erasure work we did to remove and erase deeply held traumas in both the individual and collective subconscious? Well it has paid off immensely!

From the moment we entered the dark void of the May 26th Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio – everyone around the world began RELEASING tons of Past Life Traumas. We did wonders to speed and accelerate this deep purging by harnessing the full power of Ketu during the eclipse and for several days afterward. The energetics around the planet improved TREMENDOUSLY after our meditative work that week…’s palpable!

This Global and planetary Release was amplified by the potent Mercury retrograde we’ve been experiencing the last three weeks. You may have noticed a string of strange random and deeply buried memories surfacing in rapid fire succession these last few weeks. My family and I definitely experienced this.

It’s been a very heavy difficult passage for humanity. But once we exited the Solar Eclipse portal on June 10th I began to notice people everywhere really taking a stand for Truth and the sovereign rights of our civilization – speaking out and standing in their resolve – on a far greater scale than I have ever seen! They are no longer blindly accepting the narrative of spiritual influencers either and are coming to their own conclusions.

THE DAYS OF BLINDLY FOLLOWING ‘SAVIOR’ FIGURES are swiftly coming to an end!

Peaceful protests around the globe continue to increase in scope and regularity. You can see that the intense FEAR that gripped the masses last year is virtually GONE. People everywhere know beyond a shadow of a doubt that the days of tyranny are nearly over and Our Voices are being heard loud and clear above the dying chatter of contrived false narratives.

Today (Saturday June 26, 2021) in London over One Million people poured into the streets to protest a proposed 4th Lockdown in England. Some sang Pink Floyd’s “Another Brick In The Wall”.....we don’t need no education, we don’t need no thought control…… (that video was taken down before I could post the link but there are several other videos with 3-4 hour footage on youtube). The turnout was massive.

Here is some aerial footage that shows throngs of hundreds of thousands of people marching in London today:

More good news……..

We are no longer being weighed down or held back by centuries and millennia of looping emotional trauma, to the extent that we were. Much of this sloughed off our etheric bodies as we passed through the Lunar and Solar Eclipse portals. We are finally releasing ourselves from carrying this burden and we are very vocally beginning to express our Truth and the Love we have for ourselves and all life on this planet!

It is clearly obvious by numerous comments I have read on various social networks that matrix fear narratives are rapidly losing their grip on humanity which is exactly what is needed to free ourselves from tyranny and oppression.

I want to close with a reminder of just how POWERFUL we really are. The seat of that power is our Heart chakra, from which emanates the most powerful force in all the universe.

Much that has long been hidden is now being revealed. These revelations are shocking and disturbing but are a necessary part of our awakening and liberation process. Rather than allow anger to take root in your mind or heart (which lowers your vibration and diminishes your boundless HEART POWER)…..(and especially during our daily meditation)…….do this……

Whenever you feel anger welling up, acknowledge it, but then let go of it and do not allow it to fester. Immediately shift your focus to feeling strong LOVE in your heart for humanity and ELATION that all of these oppressive regimes and their discordant technologies are now GONE forever and can no longer harm anyone!!!

Your heart is an electrical powerhouse and no force in the universe can equal the POWER of the extremely high vibrational love frequency that it generates - so let’s use it to the full when we’re dissolving and vaporizing any and all elements of darkness!

I encourage you to begin fully utilizing your Heart Based Power. Be aware of it and if anything tries to knock you down to lower energy frequencies, step right back into your Heart Field and begin sending out those ultra-powerful love and gratitude vibrations.



Over the next 6 weeks, be determined NOT to accept or feel any fear behind any and all matrix narratives they’re working hard to push into our psyche (especially with the vax-eens or any other false flag events they may try to trigger).

All of this is a last-ditch attempt to keep us stuck on the Tranz-humanist agenda timeline!

Other than spending a few moments in our daily meditation to END all these narratives and their harmful effects, do not spend any additional time or energy on them. Know and believe that we have put a swift END to all of it.

Where we focus our energy is so important because these next 6 weeks represent the PEAK of the FINAL BATTLE between Light and Dark and WE will determine who the victors are. Personally, I only accept a future in which Light, Love and Humanity WIN unequivocally and in the most peaceful manner possible.

The battle that is being waged here on Earth is a MENTAL battle –

“Neo, the Matrix is a prison for your MIND.”

That is why we must remain strong and resilient and very clear in our thoughts. We must think, feel and act as if all of these dark beings and their dark agendas have simply VANISHED from our experience and not continue laboring over or worrying about the details of how that will happen. The more we accept the storyline and outcomes they wish to achieve, the more we empower them to manifest.

WE HAVE THE POWER TO UN-DO EVERYTHING THE DARK ONES HAVE ATTEMPTED TO DO… let’s continue to reverse the damage in our daily Reset meditation!

Watch this brief video from Lynne McTaggert so you can understand how easy it really is to CHANGE THE PAST. This is an actual account of a man who did this (and ironically he didn’t even think it would work):

I hope this update has fueled your resolve to move forward together as One Heart – One Mind for the preservation, healing and upliftment of all life on this planet. Let’s continue doing our Daily Cosmic Reset Meditations with joy, excitement and unwavering commitment – our future depends on it. I appreciate you so much and send you all the love and joy your heart can hold.

What A Day For A Daydream..A lovely Mid-Summer’s Daydream!

This classic song sets the perfect tone for the rest of this Summer Stargate lineup. Take a moment to listen and sing along:



Shakespeare In Love With Life



Sunday, May 23, 2021

LIVE GLOBAL MEDITATION On Lunar Eclipse 5-26-21 (hosted by Brianna)


Hello precious souls,

I’ve not been as active on this channel because I am working on transitioning to a new website and launching my first 5D Healing and Ascension Project.

I want to personally invite each of you dear readers to a LIVE (online) GLOBAL MEDITATION I am hosting at the peak of the Total Lunar Eclipse this coming Wednesday, May 26, 2021 at 10:45 am UTC / 6:45 am EST / 4:45 am MT / 3:45 am PT / 11:45 am London / 12:45 pm Paris

I am emailing the link to join the Live Meditation to my blog subscribers and meditation group (along with the link to this article). If you are not on that list and are interested in participating, please email me to receive the link:

Participation is limited to 100 so please arrive at least 5 minutes early to secure your spot. (as we grow I will add more seats) If all the seats are filled when you arrive and you can’t get on the live call, please join us energetically – we need as much participation as possible.

Bookmark this link, mark the date and time on your calendar and set a reminder or alarm to be sure you don’t miss it!

This Lunar Eclipse has a total duration of 5 hours, beginning at 4:47 am EST, peaking and appearing to turn red from 7:11 am to 7:25 am EST and ending at 9:49 am EST.



Anytime the moon is powerfully affected, human emotions are also affected and can express in less than desirable ways. This is why you and many others are needed to make the best possible use of the Powerful Transformative Energy of Scorpio that will be flowing through the Eclipse Portal all this week and most strongly at the peak of the Eclipse in the early morning hours of May 26th here in the U.S.

If enough of us come together at that peak moment……we can completely change our collective Earth experience to something wondrous and usher in the changes we all desire much faster!

This Total Lunar Eclipse is in Scorpio – a fiery double edged astrological  sword - that can either plunge us into the depths of fear and darkness, or it can transform our lives as we overcome our F.E.A.R. (which is merely False Evidence Appearing Real)…..and emerge like the Phoenix from the ashes…..and begin operating from a much more empowered state of being, one in which we cease to be a victim and instead create and control our experiences.

Fortunately, Ketu the south lunar node (and the mindless tail of the serpent) is eclipsing the Moon (which can churn up strong emotions). This strong Ketu aspect will help all those meditating on behalf of the collective enter a state of deep inner calm.

Because Ketu figures prominently in this eclipse, it can even ERASE THE MIND COMPLETELY – which we will be taking full advantage of to help the collective ERASE long-held emotional traumas and wounds permanently!


The Collective Emotional Goo of humanity is the very thing that has continued to reinforce the distorted energies surrounding our planet and kept us stuck in the lower realms of 3D and the astral planes!!! So let’s come together in great numbers on the 26th of May to CLEAR out all this goo so we can accelerate the completion of the Great Cosmic Reset!

If you’ve not been joining us for the Daily Cosmic Reset meditation, please do so. I will be posting a NEW and updated version of this guided meditation in the next few days and will email the link once it is available. I just got a new studio quality microphone so I expect the quality of my recordings to increase significantly!

You are encouraged to do the Daily Cosmic Reset at either 11:11 am, 1:11 pm, or 3:33 pm your local time. This way groups of us can synchronize our meditation and create a continuous wave of transformational energy around the world throughout the day!

On Sundays (at either 8 am, 11 am or 1 pm EST) we join our energy with Sandra Walter’s group who has been meditating every Sunday for 5 years now. They do a lot of gridwork and emanate a very pure high vibe energy. Weekdays at 3 pm EST another large group meditates live, so we can amplify our results by connecting to their energy field.

The goal for our Daily Meditation and other Key Global Meditations is to bring together 5 Million Meditators around the globe who are doing this exact meditation every single day. When we reach that goal… will know it….because significant Earth changes will begin occurring that will be visible and undeniable!

Our synchronized meditation during the upcoming Lunar Eclipse will offset and prevent any potential dark scenarios from materializing and help neutralize any dark plumes of energy that may rise from the collective subconscious this week as they face and release their fears.

Our primary focus will be using the energy of this Eclipse to completely transform deeply rooted fears and traumas from humanity’s recent and distant past into a much less dense pure form of high vibrational light.

We will also be transforming any remaining pockets of darkness, dark agendas and dark beings - both on, above and below the surface of this planet…...into pure high frequency Light.

When you combine the amplified and unmatched death-and-rebirth power of Scorpio, the balancing and harmonizing energy of Anuradha lunar mansion that the moon will be in, and the cosmic erasure capabilities of Ketu eclipsing our mind and emotions….this transformation we are creating on the Earth plane during this Lunar Eclipse will be legendary!

We will then have a unique opportunity to anchor and ground this profound transformation into reality on the June 10th Solar Eclipse in Taurus, which is the sign of physical manifestation and stability. In that 2-week window of ‘limbo time’ we will continue doing the Daily Cosmic Reset meditation and reinforce the work we did May 26th.

One clarification about the moon: although it has the greatest influence on our mind and emotions of any planetary body, the moon we see in the sky today is not the original Earth moon as is evidenced by many inconsistencies in its location and appearance in the night sky – in fact it is likely not even an organic body but a satellite of sorts from which manipulated and distorted energies are beamed to our planet by the dark invaders.

Earth originally had 3 moons which were needed to stabilize weather conditions on this planet as we sit on the outermost arm of the spiral that is our galaxy, and are prone to volatile weather and space weather fluctuations.

So during our daily Cosmic Reset Meditation as well as the Lunar Eclipse meditation we can also visualize our original 3 moons being restored to their rightful place in the heavens.

Here are a few more quick cosmic highlights:

Jupiter entered Aquarius April 6th and will remain there for 5 months. Jupiter in Aquarius puts a spotlight on humanitarian projects and expands our vision of Unity and shifts our focus from self to the needs of the whole of society. This shift should provide some much needed fuel for the 5D Healing and Ascension project I recently launched!

Jupiter went retrograde May 20th and will remain retrograde for four months until October 18th. Astrologers expect a big downturn in the economy during this time (which could be a positive thing if it speeds up the RV)!

Lunar Eclipses signify endings, and because this one is in Scorpio all that was hidden will be uncovered! We can expect an acceleration of the exposure and collapse of all Matrix lies, scandals, crimes against humanity, and power and control structures in the next 6 months.


NOTHING can hide

under the piercing beam

of the cosmic flashlight that Scorpio is.....

whose revelatory power is massively amplified

on this Blood Moon Eclipse

Mercury goes retrograde May 29th and since Mercury controls communications this could well be the period when mainstream media channels are scrambled and finally taken offline permanently, and when the TRUTH is finally aired 24-7 on all channels worldwide – a momentous occasion indeed that this lunar eclipse could trigger!

Saturn goes retrograde May 23rd and also remains retrograde for 5 months until October 10th.

The next 5 months will be a time of DEEP prolonged introspection for the collective, when we decide what type of work is worthy of our time and energy and whether we are truly ready to reclaim our Sovereignty.

This is a period when we really need to commit to our daily spiritual practice and exercise our collective voice by doing the Daily Cosmic Reset Meditation each and every day! There may not appear to be much forward movement this summer in some areas of life, but by the fall (if we all use this time wisely), the entire landscape of our planet will have changed dramatically and be unrecognizable.

Together as one united voice, we can take massive strides towards BIRTHING our New 5D World in the coming weeks and months!!!

A profound thank you to all of you dedicated souls who are joining me LIVE this coming Wednesday, May 26th for this Epic Event…..and to all who join us energetically as well! Each one of you is KEY to our success on the Earth planes. Together, let’s transcend our traumas and help awakening humanity do the same!

I also am excited to have many more of you join me for our Daily Cosmic Reset Meditation – this is no ordinary meditation! We are restoring original creation source codes and restructuring everything on this planet and reassembling it in a higher order. You have to experience this meditation to truly understand the magnitude and scale of what we are doing!!

I will see you in the ethers……

Here is a link that shows the path of the Lunar Eclipse along with the start, peak and end times:

Your Devoted Ascension Guide,


Wednesday, April 7, 2021

WEBINAR REPLAY LINK "Return To Your Youth" - Life Changing!

To all of my wonderful subscribers,

For those of you who were unable to attend the live webinar I hosted yesterday, please use this link to watch the replay. You will really enjoy it and learn alot! Please pass this along to anyone it can benefit.


If you have questions or would like to begin your Age Reversal journey and/or support my healing mission, please call me or send a text to 772-410-4824.

Hope you will join me in 'Aging Backwards',

Sunday, April 4, 2021

You're Invited To A Webinar 4/5/21 -- "Return To Your Youth In the Next 4 Months"


This is an open invitation to everyone who wants to learn how to:

Turn Back the Hands of Time......and....... 

REVERSE that constantly ticking biological clock inside your body.

Please join me for a Fun and Interactive Webinar this coming Monday, April 5th 2021 at 8:30 pm EST / 7:30 pm central / 5:30 pm pacific

As I unveil the SECRETS to Longevity and Age Reversal!

This is brand new information you will not see anywhere else and a revolutionary Youth Restoring Formula that has only now been made available to the general public.

You won't want to miss the "Tale of Shrinking Telomeres" and the unexpected places these secrets were discovered.

Find out how you can undo years of  premature aging, get relief from aches and pains and look and feel 10-20 years younger in as little as 4 months.

You are welcome to invite others who could benefit from this life-altering information. 

But please do arrive on time (or a little early) as there is currently a 100 participant limit for this webinar. 

Guests will enter a waiting room until the webinar starts at 8:30 pm EST.

I am excited to connect with you!

Here is the link and passcode to join the webinar:

Join Zoom Meeting Here:

Meeting ID: 899 4749 8179

Passcode: 089571

One tap mobile

+13017158592,,89947498179#,,,,*089571# US (Washington DC)

+13126266799,,89947498179#,,,,*089571# US (Chicago)

Dial by your location

        +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)

        +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)

        +1 929 205 6099 US (New York)

        +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)

        +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)

        +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)

Meeting ID: 899 4749 8179

Passcode: 089571

Find your local number:



Tuesday, March 23, 2021

MAJOR ANNOUNCEMENT: Turning Back The Biological Hands of Time!


Would you like to know how to turn back the biological hands of time inside your body?

This is no longer a pipe dream. It is actually possible!

This is the Sacred Architect 5D and I am very excited to greet you from an even higher timeline we created on Saturday, Spring Equinox! Did the winds blow mighty and cleanse out more darkness in your corner of the world? They sure did in mine.

I’ve been in my “think tank” and “5D Lab” the last few weeks -- crafting goals, materials and an Action Plan for a big launch I’ve been working on.

I am happy to announce that I am officially launching my very FIRST 5D Healing and Ascension Project and I can hardly convey how thrilled I am, as it has taken many years of research and persistence to arrive at this moment!

For the last 5 years, I have been researching like crazy, searching for the best most advanced (low risk) products and technologies that will help ascending humanity heal the fastest at a cellular and DNA level. I have also been searching for technologies that can reverse the aging process.

I am extremely excited to ANNOUNCE that I have finally found that product!

It was only made available to the public in December, so it is brand new to market. It is the purest, safest, yet most advanced natural product I have seen in 30 years of researching and testing products. 

It combines the very BEST of indigenous herbal wisdom with quantum physics and quantum computing – there is no other product like this in the world, nor can it be reverse engineered.

During its testing phase, this product cost $8,000 monthly and was out-of-reach for all but the wealthy. Now that it has finally been made available to the public, it is affordable for just about everyone.

You and I are among the first people in the world to hear about this breakthrough – and I am so excited that I can bring this to you!!

If you are interested in turning back time for yourself and others you know, keep reading…….because you are going to find out exactly how to do that!

<<< You are about to see lab verified proof of 

dramatic Age Reversal >>>

This is not anti-aging where the aging process is slowed down. This is actual verified biological AGE REVERSAL of as much as 25-30 years! This is what is possible with this cutting edge formula.

One of our cats (who recently became very ill and was diagnosed with a potentially malignant mass in his mouth) is making an amazing comeback with this product. We saw marked improvement in just the first week – energy levels improved almost immediately, the putrid smell diminished significantly, and his appetite and activity level went way up.

His hair even grew back on one of his front paws that had become hairless from all the licking and drooling sticky mess. It’s amazing that he made this much improvement in less than two weeks!

My primary goal and motivation for sharing this formula is to RELIEVE the physical suffering of as many people as possible and strengthen their bodies to better withstand the continuous high frequency waves coming in that are upgrading and recoding physical matter and our reality.

I believe this product is absolutely essential to our Healing and Ascension process. I can confidently say that everyone over the age of 25 needs this product on an ongoing basis. I also feel it is the bridge that will carry us through until the Celestial Chambers (an advanced re-atomizing ‘med-bed’ style technology) are available, which may take up to a year or more to produce and distribute –another 5D project I will be supporting and working with.

I happen to know first-hand how debilitating chronic pain and inflammation can be. We can now do something to dramatically improve the health of our families, pets and others in our circle of influence……and ensure they can continue, strong and steadfast, on their path to Ascension and a fantastic life!

This past year took a tremendous toll on both the health and immune system, as well as the livelihood, of millions of people who either lost jobs or were forced to close their businesses.

This is why I am building a strong enthusiastic TEAM that will help us reach the greatest amount of people with this product.

Not only will we have the satisfaction of being able to relieve the pain and suffering of many people in a short period of time, but we can also build an income stream to support ourselves and our families and fund future 5D projects. We can also help others build an income stream from home, which is so needed at this time. This is definitely a win-win all the way around!

Keep in mind that this product will be going global, which means we are at the infancy stage. Those who move on this now (first movers advantage), can build a substantial (global) customer base and help others do the same.

I decided to call our group Team Quantum since we are now beginning our work with quantum technologies and will be operating at quantum speed to get this product to people.

We will be using a simple system to make this happen, one that anyone can duplicate. Together we will succeed in our healing mission as you will receive ongoing support from me that you will then extend to your team!

If you want to know more about this Age Reversal Formula and see some of the lab results from the clinical trials, please email me:

Let me know if you are interested in joining my Core Team (Team Quantum) and supporting my Healing Mission as I want to launch strong and help the greatest amount of people in the shortest amount of time!

I am excited to work with those of you who want to be part of my 5D Healing & Ascension Team. 

Together we’re going to help relieve a lot of pain and suffering in this world!

I really can’t wait to get this amazing product into your hands, hear your wonderful testimonies and see how much younger you look and feel!

We finally have (in a bottle) what Ponce de Leon was searching for long ago in the 16th century – the Fountain of Youth!


Are you ready to start reversing that ticking biological clock and help your family and friends do the same?

Then please email me and request more info:

I will email you a quick overview as well as a brief video. You will LOVE what you see! What’s more, you will love what you see staring back at you in the mirror in the next few months – the younger version of YOU!!

Sending you the blessing of youth,


The Sacred Architect 5D